Wetenschap heeft het verouderingsproces ontrafelt - en hoe jij dit kunt stoppen.

Science has unraveled the aging process - and how you can stop it.

NAD explained: the groundbreaking, game-changing influence in health science

There is scientific consensus that our NAD levels naturally decline as we age. When NAD decreases, the risk of age-related complaints and age-related diseases increases dramatically. The body simply no longer functions properly at lower concentrations. And when we're 50, we only have half the NAD levels compared to a 20-something! When NAD levels are increased, diseases and age-related complaints can be prevented and lifespan can be extended. In addition, it promotes metabolism, making it easier to release energy in the body.

"A strong correlation has been seen between NAD decrease and age-related complaints"

But why exactly does this happen, why does NAD play such a major role in the health of the human body?

The role of NAD+

NAD is essential for health and longevity. It is seen as an 'aid' in all kinds of cellular reactions. It plays a role in metabolic activity, DNA repair and cell regeneration. Without NAD you would no longer be able to produce energy and your body would not last even 30 seconds!

You can think of NAD as the gasoline that powers all cellular processes in your body. These processes are vital and keep you healthy. DNA repair, for example, reduces cell wear and tear. By keeping NAD levels high you can prevent aging in this way.

The relationship between aging and DNA repair.

Imagine this: you are copying a photo in a copy machine. A new copy is made from that copy, and so on. Sometimes something goes wrong: there is a crease in the copy, or a hair gets caught in the copy. All these errors are copied again in the next copy. This is how cells divide in your body . Every error can be found in the DNA, and that makes DNA repair so extremely important, because it also removes copy errors !

When these mistakes are not ironed out, we see the results of old age. Gray hair, wrinkles, reduced energy due to disrupted metabolism, etc. That is why NAD has such a major influence on the aging process, and scientists are seeing more and more health benefits from increasing this substance. Additionally, several studies indicate that increasing NAD through NMN is associated with the following benefits:

  • An anti-aging effect : by repairing DNA and regulating gene expression, the aging process can be counteracted.
  • Improved metabolism: because the energy metabolism of the cell is improved, you get more energy and age-related weight gain is prevented.
  • Better cognitive function : NMN has significantly improved brain health and cognitive function in animals. It has potential for treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's.
  • Cardiovascular health : Studies show that the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced when taking NMN. In these studies, it has been observed that NMN reduces oxidative stress and thereby reduces wear and improves function of blood vessels. In addition, research suggests that NMN may have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Improved insulin sensitivity : After taking NMN in animal studies, insulin sensitivity is significantly improved, suggesting that it helps prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.
  • Improved fertility : studies indicate that NMN improves mitochondrial function, supporting the development, maturation and function of egg or sperm cells.
  • Improved eye function: With aging, eye function decreases. When mice are given NMN, their eyes continue to function properly.
  • In mouse studies, NMN has been able to restore or prevent aging-related epigenetic changes, making health problems less likely to occur or even prevented.

Increase NAD+... how?

Fortunately, it has been scientifically proven that the natural substance NMN increases NAD levels by up to 240%! In addition, Apigenin supplementation can also indirectly increase NAD. This is because it inhibits the substance CD38. CD38 is secreted by unhealthy 'zombie cells' as an inflammatory factor and is a huge consumer of NAD. Inhibiting this substance therefore increases the NAD concentrations.

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